Ceremonies and Rites of Passage are created to celebrate life events which change you. These events might mark the death of your old self and the birth of a new you – a changed you, another evolution in your journey. Sometimes these ceremonies are to welcome new souls onto the planet or to help bring “ayni,” or balance, between us and all of the cosmos.

Karen will co-create with you, a personalized ceremony, or a Rite of Passage, to celebrate whatever transitions or events need honoring in your life.

Contact Karen for a 20 minute free consultation about your ceremony and pricing.

Celebrate the union and commitment of two individuals to one another, Karen has been creating and officiating wedding ceremonies for over 10 years. Drawing from ceremonies around the globe, celebrate your union with a ceremony that is tailored just to you.
With the birth of a child, we celebrate all possibility. As we come from our mother's womb into the world we celebrate life. Create a ceremony to welcome your child onto this planet, creating a nurturing environment to sustain and embrace her as she grows to adulthood.
Death Rites
As we transition from this Earth plane to the next world, we can do this with grace and ease, clearing all that would hinder a smooth passage. With the Great Death Rites, unwind all that keeps you attached to this Earth and assist yourself, or your loved ones, on the greatest journey they will ever make.
Women's Rites of Passage
Whether a maiden, a mother, or a crone, as women we move through all these life stages. Many times these stages are not recognized or celebrated for what they are – important initiations in womanhood. Co-create a celebration that honors where you have come from, where you are and where you will be going.


The despacho ceremony is the creation of a prayer bundle that brings balance between you and “all that is”, the universe. In the tradition of the Q’ero people of Peru, the despacho is a celebration and offering to the “Pachamama” – Mother Earth.
Despachos can be created to bring balance in your life for any reason. Use these beautiful creations to celebrate birthdays, marriages, divorces, births, seasonal changes or just to celebrate life.
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