One humid summer evening in 1975 a 15 year old girl was walking through the damp grass of Gulf Coast Texas. As she stepped onto the sidewalk she felt something sharp go into her foot. Thinking a nail had just pierced her foot, how boring, she exclaimed “I’ve been bitten by a snake!” And so it was. The small copperhead looked up at her and asked with a puzzled look “Why did you step on me?” The initiation by serpent had begun.
Many years and experiences later, that serpent would appear in ink on that young woman’s back. Having turned to the red, black and yellow of the coral snake, with its bite striking her spine, the second initiation of the serpent was encountered. Taking her deep into the healing practices of shamanism this woman followed the serpent onward.
The serpent continues to appear from time to time both in dream time and in waking life, always bringing lessons and always bringing knowledge.
Coral Serpent waits to initiate you, to take you on your personal healing journey, just as that small snake did back in 1975 for me.